Understanding the Connection Between Shame and Addiction

Addiction is a complex and deeply personal struggle that affects millions of people. While it’s often linked to physical or psychological dependence, the emotional underpinnings of addiction are just as significant. One of the most pervasive emotions intertwined with addiction is shame—a powerful feeling of unworthiness, failure, or inadequacy. Shame doesn’t just arise as a…

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How Addiction Impacts a Relationship

Addiction is a complex and pervasive issue that affects not only the individual struggling with it but also the people closest to them. Among the many areas of life that addiction touches, relationships are often profoundly impacted. Understanding Addiction Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that goes beyond the surface-level pursuit of substances or…

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Beyond the High: An In-Depth Look at Marijuana’s Influence, Uses, and Legal Implications

What is Marijuana? Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a psychoactive substance derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is most commonly consumed for its mind-altering effects, which are primarily caused by a compound called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When consumed, THC interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, leading to a range of effects including euphoria, altered…

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Patient Concerns: Is Marijuana Addictive?

Many people wonder about the addictive nature of drugs and other substances. If you are interested in this issue, I have written several articles on this topic over the years and will include the resources to one on Cannabis Use Disorder I wrote in 2020. Using marijuana (cannabis) does not necessarily mean a person has…

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